Research cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)
The AI Forum project is an interdisciplinary cooperation network of five Finnish organizations of higher education, including Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, SAMK, University of Oulu, University of Turku and University of Jyväskylä.
Our aim is to strenghten expertise, education and research cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence and particularly its applications in digital services and role as an enabler in work transformation. The AI Forum network investigates the role of artificial intelligence as an enabler and adjuster of digital change. It evaluates current research areas related to the field and collaborates on pilot research projects.
The AI Forum has one annual seminar, two annual webinars, newsletters and joint publications based on our research. Through our activities we prowide new training for our students, degree programs will be updated, new practices are created and cooperation with companies is strenghtened. With the help of the training made possible by the Forum, new know-how and experts are produced for the needs of working life.
During the project, three pilot projects will be implemented, in which international scientific and professional publications will be produced. In addition to them, several theses are completed in the projects. Based on the results training programs are updated, models are created and visiting lectures at universities are carried out in cooperation with companies.
The network’s members and other Finnish higher education institutions benefit from the results, and through the network they gain new knowledge and content for their teaching. Another key group of users are companies that can develop their own digital services and processes. Consumers and employees also benefit from the new advanced services. AI Forum also produces new research information for the scientific community. All of this has a great impact on future working life and society.
Project manager: Janne Kauttonen, Haaga-Helia,
Duration: 1 January 2021 – 30 June 2023
Partners: Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), University of Jyväskylä, University of Turku and University of Oulu
Financed by: Ministry of Education and Culture
Workpackage 1, AI FORUM: Practical organization and role-playing of the network’s operating model in the pilot project, planning and implementation of measures. Organizing events that connect researchers and user parties. The events share research know-how and learn about the progress of pilot projects. We are trying to build theme groups where the community can find developers interested in certain cases.
Workpackage 2, PILOT PROJECTS: Data collection and measurement (e.g. InteractionLab, Auria Tietoallas). Checking and utilizing the suitability of algorithms already available from around the world, analyzing collected data and teaching and testing models in real contexts with partners. The pilot projects in the project are 1) customer interaction development (AI emotion recognition), 2) artificial intelligence as a support for research, and 3) utilization of patient data reserves with the help of artificial intelligence in the treatment of diseases.
Workpackage 3, DISSEMINATION: Good practices from projects carried out within the framework of the AI Forum will be compiled and shared for both universities and companies. We offer potential users a service that maps the current state and development needs. Let’s compile lessons and transfer them to higher education institutions. Integrating projects into students’ academic performance. Summarizing project results and writing publications. Website maintenance and communication projects events and the development of education.
Workpackage 4, EVALUATION: Evaluation of the operation of the AI Forum network, consolidation of the operation of the network and agreement on continuation.
Peer-reviewed Publications:
- Wei Peng, Xiaopeng Hong, Guoying Zhao. Graph Triplet Pooling for 3D Skeleton Based Action Recognition. Pattern Recognition. 2021.
- Khanh Tran, Quang-Nhat Vo, Xiaopeng Hong, Xiaobai Li, Guoying Zhao. Micro-expression spotting: A new benchmark. Neurocomputing, 2021.
- Yanying Liang, Wei Peng, Zhu-Jun Zheng, Olli Silven, Guoying Zhao. A hybrid quantum-classical neural network with deep residual learning. Neural Networks. 2021
- Yante Li, Guoying Zhao. Intra- and Inter-Contrastive Learning for Micro-expression Action Unit Detection. 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 2021.
- Thuong-Khanh Tran, Quang-Nhat Vo, Guoying Zhao. DynGeoNet: Fusion network for micro-expression spotting. 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 2021.
- Suomala Jyrki, Kauttonen Janne: Humans intuitive mental models as a source of realistic AI and engineering, Frontiers in Psychology, (in press), 2022.
- Yang Liu, Xingming Zhang, Kauttonen Janne, Guoying Zhao. Uncertain Label Correction via Auxiliary Action Unit Graphs for Facial Expression Recognition. 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022.
- Yante Li, Jinsheng Wei, Yang Liu, Janne Kauttonen and Guoying Zhao. Deep Learning for Micro-expression Recognition: A Survey. IEEE Trans. on Affective Computing (accepted)
Other Publications:
- Alamäki, A. (2022) Voidaanko arvioida, onko tekoäly ihmistä parempi? eSignals Haaga-Helia e-magazine, 26.4.2022 ISSN 2242-9948
- Alamäki, A. (2022) Miksi tekoälyn etiikka on noussut tärkeäksi teemaksi? eSignals Haaga-Helia e-magazine, 21.3.2022, ISSN 2242-9948
- Alamäki, A. & Lagstedt, A. (2022). Digitaalinen transformaatio: uusia teknologioita vanhan rinnalla. eSignals Haaga-Helia e-magazine, 9.3.2022 ISSN 2242-9948
- Alamäki, A. (2021). Kyberturvallisuuden tulisi kuulua jokaisen digitaaliseen lukutaitoon. eSignals Haaga-Helia e-magazine 17.11.2021, ISSN 2242-9948.
- Lagstedt Altti, Alamäki Ari, Kauttonen Janne: AI Forum edistää ja helpottaa työelämän muutosta.
- Alamäki, A. (2022) Miksi tekoälylle luodaan eettisiä ohjeistuksia? TIVI 6-7, Vieraskynä-palsta, 67
- Jyrki Suomala ja Janne Kauttonen:
- Aarne Klemetti & Kauttonen Janne: Älyä pilvessä ja reunalla ‒ tekoälyn hyödyntäminen reunalaskennassa (eSignals Pro). - Khan, Umair & Alamäki, A. (2022). Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. eSignals Pro Haaga-Helia e-magazine, 16.11.2022.
- Salahub, Jeffrey (2022). Artificial Intelligence, Data, and Knowledge Management – what is the link? Case: Regional Hospital. In Tiedolla johtamisen keskus BIC : Kokoomajulkaisu 2022, Pakkasela, Mikko; Nurmi, Cimmo.